First home loans 2023: the extension and who they are for
With the Milleproroghe decree, priority categories can access a first home loan, taking advantage of the State Fund guarantee at 80% (instead of 50%) until next 30 June.
Let's see below the main information to know on the subject, who can benefit and to whom it is addressed.
Mortgage and priority categories: what characteristics must the property have?
Priority categories applying for a first home loan must be interested in purchasing a property with specific characteristics.
In detail, the property must be used as the principal dwelling, must not fall within the luxury categories, and must not have the luxury characteristics indicated in the Decree of the Ministry of Public Works dated 2 August 1969.
Who belongs to the priority categories?
Within the priority categories are
- young couples who have been living together for at least two years, in which at least one of the two members is not older than 35 years on the date the application is submitted
- single-parent households with minor children
- single person not married or cohabiting with the other parent of any of their minor children living with them
- separated, divorced or widowed person cohabiting with at least one of their own minor children
- young person not yet 36 years of age;
- tenants of dwellings owned by autonomous social housing institutions.
State Fund for the purchase of a first home: who is it for?
The Fund is aimed at all citizens who, at the date of submission of the loan application, are not the owners of other properties for residential use (even abroad), with the exception of cases in which the borrower has acquired ownership by inheritance, even in community with another successor.
What happens if the taxpayer does not pay the mortgage?
In the event that the taxpayer does not pay the loan, the Fund intervenes by settling the amount under the guarantee with the bank and may subsequently take action against the borrower to recover the sum settled.
In this case, the scrapping of the files may be considered.
*This content is for information purposes and has no prescriptive value. For a structured analysis of each individual case, the advice of qualified professionals is recommended.